Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Messengers of God by Peter G. Wahl

One time in 2000 I was in San Diego hanging out with my high school buddy Tim O'Connell. I met a bum named Peter G. Wahl and he asked me for some money and I gave him some and he copied this poem for me. I recently dug it up and decided to google him. Since I didn't find it anywhere on the internets, I'll put it here so that other people can enjoy it. It looks cooler in handwriting b/c he wrote it in a William Blake style.

Messengers of God

Beyond the realm of social fears,
An angel on a wing appears,
And sets his blessed feet on earth,
Creating in this world rebirth.

His might exceeds what Jesus done
Yet, now prepares his way to come
Searching hearts and minds of man
Sending forht the spirit of "I Am".

Before Heaven's Holy Throne,
A figure glows but not alone,
At His right hand, no longer scarred,
Be the Loyal Son of God.

All the angels in unison sing,
To mankind the tale the bring,
Voices of prophets of old,
The ends of earth man foretold.

O' End for me this present sorrow,
I'll gladly go this day or morrow!
While Gabriel flies,
Trumpet a blaring,
Throughout the skies,
The end's declaring.